Proving Edge 2.0

Connecting international buyers and sellers on a single B2B platform in real-time.
Western Union
6 weeks
Digital Strategy
Experience Design
Rapid Prototyping

Western Union engaged us to prove a business case for them: a next-gen version of their international currency-converting product, "WU Edge," based on a one product owner's vision and no time to lose.


With Dreamforce right around the corner, our timeline was compact. Unlike your average ideation session, we huddled in a room to get all the details and lay things out.

We walked through the live Edge product in its current state while the product owner pointed out changes and additions for its future state. During our time onsite in Denver, we worked closely for two days contributing to define project needs, sketching and whiteboarding v2.0.

Based on those requirements, we could scope, estimate, and contract the work in its entirety.


In four weeks, I optimized workflows, designed screens, and presented a working proof of concept.

The product owner went on to present WU Edge 2.0 at Dreamforce and successfully secured his budget for the entire buildout.

Western Union was granted a FinTech award for innovation based our POC. For more info on WU Edge: